

Is it time to apply for an EU Residence Card? You’re afraid of the state exam? 100% of our students pass exams with a score of over 80%.

Want to join them?

Then taking the TELC exam is perfect for you! We've obtained the license and become official examiners!

from 10 academic hours
intensive or gradual preparation in a group, pair, or individually
levels: B1 | B2
Intensive course – from 10 to 20 lessons, 60 minutes each
(Lesson intensity is determined after testing)
from 55 PLN per lesson
(The cost of preparation depends on the number of lessons per month and the format of training)
Bonus: Free registration, but the exam fee is paid separately
Upcoming exams: March, April, May 2025

Taking the TELC exam with us means:

A revolutionary exam that's twice as easy as the state one
Waiting time for the certificate reduced to up to 6 weeks instead of 6 months
The opportunity to take the exam every month
Exam organization even for a single student
Lifelong certificate validity
No grammar section in the exam
No complex essay in the test, just an email
Bonus: Free registration for the exam
Thanks to TELC, you'll: obtain a Residence Card, get admitted to a university, receive an international certificate

TELC Polish Language B1-B2 - what's the difference compared to the state exam?

The TELC format is dual, allowing candidates to take either B1 or B2 based on the assessment of their language skills according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Each participant who successfully passes this exam will undergo an assessment of their language skills in reading, listening, writing, and speaking. They will also receive precise information about achieving levels B1 or B2 in each of these skills.

Exam structure: It consists of written and oral parts. The written part lasts 115 minutes. The oral exam usually lasts up to 16 minutes and is conducted in pairs, with two candidates and two licensed examiners trained by telc GmbH participating.

Legal aspects of this exam: The certificate in Polish language issued by TELC (The European Language Certificates) confirms proficiency in the Polish language as a foreign language and is recognized in European Union countries. Furthermore, with the entry into force of the Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of May 31, 2023, on the list of certificates of proficiency in the Polish language required to obtain a long-term residence permit of a European Union resident, this certificate becomes an official document confirming the ability to use the Polish language at a level not lower than B1. TELC language certificates are widely recognized by various institutions, employers, higher education institutions, and the Ministry of National Education (depending on the requirements of educational institutions). Moreover, possession of such a certificate allows participation in the Socrates/Erasmus scholarship program.


The cost of the exam and certificate varies depending on the type of exam and the method of administration:

You can also prepare for the exam with us:

From 10 to 20 academic hours with a TELC examiner

Preparation includes:

studying the specifics of the exam, all types of tasks, and successful test-taking strategies

educational materials, guides, and examples of tasks from previous exams

Bonus: Free registration for the exam


Registration rules:

Fill out the registration form with correct information
Within 1 hour, you will receive a confirmation email of successful registration
Pay for the exam within 24 hours of receiving the email and send the confirmation to globalschool595@gmail.com.
Payment for the exam is non-refundable or non-reducible
Exam invitations (via email) with detailed information will be sent approximately 2 weeks before the scheduled exam date

Payments cannot be transferred from one exam to another, from one person to another, or from one date to another. Exceptions are made only in cases of force majeure, provided that the relevant documents are sent to the email address telcglobalschool@gmail.com. In such cases, Global School J.W. will consider the possibility of transferring 50% of the exam fee to the next session, allowing the candidate to take the TELC exam. The remaining 50% of the exam fee will need to be paid.

Once payment and registration are completed in accordance with the TELC Examination Regulations (www.telc.net/agb.html), the exam fee is non-refundable.

Attention! In case of non-payment within 24 hours after registration confirmation,
the student will be removed from the list.




The preparation includes:

Learning the exam format, all task types, and successful test-taking strategies

Study materials, guides, and sample tasks from previous exams

Bonus: Free exam registration

The TELC Intensive Preparation Course includes:

Lessons with a TELC examiner in a group of up to 5 people or in pairs

Review of all parts of the exam with an examiner’s consultation

Practical exercises, exclusive school materials unavailable online

Mock exam from the school and an analysis of your mistakes

How is the preparation for TELC going?

Examination Regulations:

§ 1 Area of Validity

  1. These Examination Regulations are valid for test takers for telc examinations.
  2. They are valid for all examinations leading to a certificate, irrespective of how they are conducted, i.e. paper-based or in completely or partially digital form.

§ 2 The Aim of the Examination

  1. The aim of a telc examination is to certify the competences of an individual in a reliable and valid manner.
  2. telc gGmbH is only in a position to issue a report on a test taker’s performance if it can be proved that each test taker delivers an exclusively individual, independent and verifiable performance in the examination without using any unauthorised aids.

§ 3 Registration for the Examination

  1. Potential test takers must register with a telc examination centre for the examination in question . An examination centre is an educational institution which has been licensed by telc gGmbH to offer and conduct telc examinations . An up-to-date list of licensed examination centres is always available on the telc website (www.telc.net).
  2. By registering for an examination and on receiving a copy of these Examination Regulations, the test taker commits her or himself to adhering to the terms of these regulations . The test taker agrees that the chosen examination centre may transmit the personal data necessary for the administration and evaluation of the examination in ques- tion to telc gGmbH and that telc gGmbH may process this data to those ends . Depending on the examination, the personal data may include a recording of the Oral Examination.
  3. Each examination centre is entitled to decide on prerequisites for registration for a telc examination, fees for sitting the examination and other conditions.
  4. Special conditions apply if an individual wishes to register for an accessible examination . These are laid out in the current version of the Guidelines for Conducting Examinations with Access Arrangements.

§ 4 Examination Procedure

  1. The structure and timescale of the examination are laid out bindingly in the Mock Examinations issued by telc gGmbH for the examination in question.
  2. Before the examination commences, the test takers must present a valid official identity document with a photograph.
  3. At the time previously communicated to the test takers, the invigilator starts the examination by making official announcements . Test takers who arrive after the announcements have begun are excluded from taking the examination . The Written Examination ends when the invigilator informs the test takers that they may leave the examination room.
  4. The Oral Examination begins when the test takers enter the waiting room and ends when the examiner informs the test takers that they may leave the examination room.
  5. If the examination is paper-based, the test takers write all their answers on the answer sheet. Answers written in the test booklet or on note paper will not be marked. In the case of a digital examination, the answers must be entered into the examination software.
  6. Test takers must not disturb the examination. They must abide by the instructions which the examination centre Coordinators, invigilators and examiners give them. It counts as a disturbance if test takers impede the process of testing the skills and knowledge of other test takers, for instance by continuously directing queries at the invigilator or refusing to hand in the answer sheet. If the conduct of an examination is disturbed by disruptive behaviour, this can result in the perpetrator being excluded from the examination either immediately or retrospectively, either partially or completely.

§ 5 Unauthorised aids

  1. Test takers may bring pencils, pens, pencil sharpeners and erasers into the examination room. Drinks are only allowed in transparent bottles without labels. Items of personal hygiene such as paper tissues are also permitted.
  2. It is recommended that test takers do not bring any additional items into the examination centre. Jackets, bags, mobile phones, wrist watches and any objects other than those mentioned in § 5 .1 must be handed in before the examination begins.
  3. Objects other than those mentioned in § 5 .1 are classified as unauthorised aids. Test takers must not have unauthorised aids with them at any time during the examination. Unauthorised aids include the following, but not exclu- sively:
    • Dictionaries and text books as well as personal notes (e.g.sample answers, lesson notes).
    • Devices which are able to save, display or transmit information and/or which can be connected to the internet (e.g. mobile phones, wearables such as smart watches or glasses that are able to record, playback and send or receive data via the internet etc.), irrespective of whether or not these devices display such information in the case of an inspection.
  4. Notes, diagrams or objects may only be permitted as aids, if a topic for the Oral Examination is to be prepared at home. This is noted in the respective Mock Examination.

§ 6 Cheating

  1. Test takers must not cheat during the examination . Cheating or attempted cheating leads to exclusion from the examination. In this case, no part of the test taker’s performance will be evaluated, and the test taker will not receive any information about their results. In serious cases of cheating or attempted cheating, the examination centre and telc gGmbH have the authority to exclude the test taker in question from future examinations. In serious cases, legal proceedings will be initiated.
  2. Cheating is defined thus: Test takers pretend to deliver an individual and independent examination performance but in reality have acquired an unfair advantage or used unauthorised aids. Not only trying to improve one’s own performance but trying to support or improve the examination performance of another person counts as cheating . This also applies to supporting or enabling another person to cheat.
  3. Malpractice is always in evidence when test takers
    • take unauthorised aids as in § 5 into the examination room.
    • attempt to contact or consult with other test takers during the examination unless the examiner explicitly requests them to do so in the course of the Oral Examination.
    • collude with other test takers with the result that over considerable areas of the examination performance individual efforts can no longer be distinguished. If there are conspicuous similarities on the answer sheets of several test takers, this will be regarded as evidence of cheating, even when no consultation or collusion is proved . Should 60% of wrong answers be identical this will be regularly considered as cheating.
    • hand in examination performances which match the correct answers (in objectively marked tasks) or sample answers (in subjectively marked tasks) to a considerable degree which can typically only be explained as an act of cheating.
    • use sample texts in writing tasks in such a way that no individual performance is discernible (plagiarism). This also applies if minor alterations are made in longer passages. In such cases the test taker’s performance cannot be assessed and is given the lowest possible score (zero points). Serious cases of plagiarism will be classified as malpractice.
    • steal, remove, save or photograph, publicise or make available to others in any manner confidential examination materials whether they are on paper or digital . Filming or recording listening tasks or Oral Examinations is also prohibited.
    • assume a false identity or allow a false identity to be assumed by another person.
    • threaten or attempt to bribe any persons involved in the administering of the examination, or any other test takers.
  4. Attempted cheating will be treated in the same way as completed cheating. The test taker is free to prove that they did not cheat or attempt to cheat.
  5. If cheating or attempted cheating is discovered at any time during the examination process including the evaluation of a test taker’s performance, the final decision regarding malpractice rests with telc gGmbH. It is possible for telc gGmbH to penalise a test taker for cheating even if no suspicion was aroused during the examination session. telc gGmbH may rely on the examination record, written reports from the invigilators and exhibits from the examination. Discrepancies which only become evident when the test taker’s performance is evaluated after the examination can also lead to malpractice being discovered. telc gGmbH will always give the interests of the test taker due consideration.
  6. If it can be proved that test takers colluded collectively in using unauthorised aids or that all test takers had the opportunity to use an existing unauthorised aid, telc gGmbH may rule that the entire examination will not be evaluated.
  7. If a certificate is presented to an authority or institution as proof of language proficiency and reasonable doubt arises as to whether the certificate was rightfully granted, it is possible to pronounce malpractice at that point in time.

§ 7 Results of the Examination

  1. A test taker who has successfully passed a telc examination receives a certificate . A test taker who does not pass the examination receives a results sheet . There is no duration of validity on the certificate. If a person presents an older certificate to an institution, it is the latter’s responsibility to decide whether it is still valid for certain purposes.
  2. Test takers can retake a complete examination as many times as they wish. The results of all examinations remain valid, even if the examination is retaken.
  3. telc examinations are generally taken with all their parts. Test takers who have not passed a telc examination completely may (for certain examinations) retake a part of it at a later date. In this case, a test taker can be given credit for the part already passed (see Appendix 1: Allocation of partial credit). Either the Oral Examination or the Written Examination can be retaken within 12 months from the date of the results sheet from the first attempt. Single subtests may not be retaken. Credit is only given for those examination results which were achieved most recently. If a test taker wishes to claim partial credit, the examination centre must be notified at the same time as when they register for the examination.
  4. telc gGmbH archives the examination materials relevant for the determination of results for a period of four months starting with the notification of results (the date on the certificate or the results sheet).
  5. The results of telc examinations are digitally archived for ten years. During this period, test takers can request a second issue of their certificate or results sheet for a fee (see Appendix 2: Fees and deadlines). This new document is marked “Duplicate”. Duplicates must be requested directly from telc gGmbH. If third parties make the request, the holder of the certificate must give written permission. Duplicates will not be issued if irregularities have occurred during the examination.
  6. If the test taker changes their name, a duplicate certificate issued in the new name can be requested for a fee (see Appendix 2: Fees and deadlines). The request must be accompanied by a copy of the applicant’s identity document and an official certification of the name amendment. The request for a duplicate on the grounds of a last name changed due to marriage or divorce will not be granted. In these cases, the name which was correct at the time of the examination is still legally valid.

§ 8 Appeals, reviewing results and viewing

  1. Test takers may appeal against the conducting of the examination if they become aware of a violation of the valid Rules and Regulations for telc Examinations. Reasons for the claim must be given. The fact that a test taker did not achieve a certain score in the examination is not sufficient substantiation for a claim. The decision whether to rec- ognise a claim rests with telc gGmbH.
  2. Test takers can submit an application for a review of their examination results for a fee (see Appendix 2: Fees and deadlines). Submitting an application does not entitle the applicant to an improvement of their examination results, and it should be noted that a lower assessment of the examination performance is also possible . In case of an alteration, the revised result is irrevocably valid. The original certificate or Result Sheet must be sent back to telc gGmbH who will issue a new document with the revised results and reimburse the costs of the review.
  3. Appeals and applications for a results review can be made once only within the first six weeks after notification of the examination results (the date on the certificate or the results sheet) in writing, using the application form provided on the telc website www.telc.net. If third parties make the appeal or apply for a review, they must provide written permission by the test taker.
  4. Test takers can submit an application for viewing their answer sheet in person within three months of the notification of results (date on the telc certificate or the results sheet). Further individuals cannot be present at the viewing. Copies, transcripts or photos of the answer sheet are not permitted. telc gGmbH does not offer consultation. The application for viewing must be submitted via the telc website www.telc.net.

Appendix 1: Allocation of partial credit

The allocation of partial credit is possible for examinations

The allocation of partial credit is not possible for examinations

Attachment 2: Fees and Deadlines

Request for Score Verification: Application deadline – 6 weeks from the date of certificate or score sheet issuance.
Fees collected by telc gGmbH: € 40
Application for Issuing a Duplicate Certificate or Changing the Name: Application deadline – 10 years from the date of certificate or score sheet issuance.
Fees collected by telc gGmbH: € 40

These fees are gross prices including the statutory VAT.

Test your polish