
Preparation for the state exam
B1 | B2 | C1

Is it time to apply for your passport? Only the exam is missing?
100% of our students pass exams with +80% success rate
Want the same?

Then our preparation course for the state exam is just for you!

from 43 academic hours
B1 | B2 | C1
from 400 PLN per month + 50 PLN = access to 2 conversation clubs per month
individually | in pairs | in mini-groups
the cost of training depends on the number of lessons per month and the format of preparation


Preparation course for state exams includes:

From 43 academic hours with a teacher
Working through the specifics of the exam, all types of tasks, and strategies for successful completion
Educational materials, guides, and examples of tasks from previous exams
Professional teacher, examiner, proficient in ENG, UA, RU
Bonus: free registration for the exam
Passing the state exam opens up opportunities for you to enroll in a Polish university, obtain an EU resident card, or citizenship

How is the preparation for the State Exam going?

Why Us?

Advantages that will help you achieve high results!

1) Focus on results
Your success and progress = our priority. Preparation program without unnecessary information, focusing on the most important parts of the state exam

2) Innovative teaching methods
Textbooks and course programs are selected and developed considering the needs of our students and are included in the cost of education without limitations

3) Team of lecturers
Global School has a team of professional multilingual teachers, allowing students to communicate in various languages and better understand the peculiarities of the Polish language. Hundreds of our students have successfully adapted to life in Poland thanks to our courses, obtained the Residence Card, Karta Polaka, Karta Pobytu or citizenship

4) Convenience of learning
Learning Polish with Global School is interesting and easy! We work with platforms where you can practice and immediately check yourself, as well as study words in the form of convenient flashcards

5) Additional activities
Discussions on current topics or thematic events organized by the school are an opportunity to develop communication skills, meet interesting people, and get closer to the culture of a new country for you

6) Official certification
Global School is an official training institution with confirmed status since 2018, which provides certificates upon course completion, helping students confirm their level of knowledge and increase their competitiveness in the job market

Want to learn more about preparation for the state exam?


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